Saturday, July 18, 2009

The European autocompanies passed crisis

The European cars

The European sales of new cars have grown in June on 2,4%. The main merit that the automobile branch of Europe has started to show ability to growth, belongs to the governments of some European states which stimulated with the actions and money resources a consumer demand.
The average index of sales on all European countries has increased first time for last 14 months i.e. since the industry was included into a heavy economic crisis.

The association of the European Manufacturers of Cars (ACEA) also ascertains, that the trend on serious falling of sales was designated in May, 2008. In June of last year recession of the European sales made 7,9% in comparison with June 2007. The first time was outlined In June of this year growth and, in total, this month 1 461 859 cars have been sold and registered.

In first six months of this year of sale of passenger cars in Europe have fallen as a whole to 11%. 7 425 762 new cars are sold For the first half of the year 2009 in Europe against 8 346 828 year before.

To the European zone of statistics ACEA carries 27 EU member states plus of country EFTA except for the countries-islands: Cyprus and Malta.

The countries of the former socialist camp are called now as new members of EU, and ACEA considers on them the separate statistics. In these countries recession of sales of new cars for June has made 25,3%. From the East European countries it is better than itself today feel only Czechia (growth in June of 18%) and Slovakia (phenomenal growth of sales on 57,4%). Critical figures has reached falling of sales in Latvia (-72.6%). In absolute figures Poland remained the largest East Europe market as falling of sales in June was absolutely insignificant (-2,5%). By results of a half-year the leading countries of region have increased sales: Slovakia (+18,4%), Czechia (+7,9%) and Poland (+0,2%) though as a whole the market in region has decreased (-27,1%).

In the Western Europe sales in June have grown on 4,6%. The five of the leading countries of Europe (Germany, Italy, France, the Great Britain, Spain) incurs the lion's share of the European automobile market. The majority of the countries was entered by measures on consumer demand stimulation when buyers receive monetary awards at delivery of the old cars in breakage and purchase of brand new, more harmless cars.

Change of number of sales of new cars in June, 2009 in relation to June, 2008:

Germany +40,5%
Italy +12,4%
France +7,0%
The Great Britain -15,7 %
Spain -15,9%
THE USA -27,7%
Russia -56,0%
Following the results of a half-year Germany (+26.1%) and France (+0.2%) could increase and keep accordingly demand for cars in comparison with last year. However if to take results of all West European countries, the market of cars has decreased on 9.8 % to that decrease in sales in Italy (-10.7%) promoted, to the Great Britain (-25.9%) and to Spain (-38.3%).

Chief executive Renault Carlos Ghosn has declared last week, that 2010 for motor industry will be same difficult, as well as 2009. The exit from crisis will not be simple and some years will proceed.

Sales of bonus marks have fallen last month, but decrease was not so serious, as well as the last months. "There are first signs of some restoration," — the executive member of board of directors BMW AG Ian Robertson has declared. BMW, the world's largest manufacturer of magnificent cars, in June is in the lead on a sales volume. However, sales BMW have fallen to 13% (to 105220 cars) in comparison with result of June, 2008. As a whole for the first half of the year 2009 of sale BMW have decreased on 19%.