Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The hybrid Utopia becomes a reality

Velozzi Solo

Automobile hybrid technologies are accessible not only to the large companies like Toyota and General Motors, but also to small firms which, besides and have no experience of building of the car in general. But the automobile world promptly varies, and hybrid technologies become popular, so demand for such cars grows. While the big companies struggle with crisis, small represent the new models.

All are already familiar with autocompany Tesla and two models: Roadster and representation sedan Model S. Now one more new company tries to declare itself — Velozzi which is going to begin manufacture of hybrid cars loudly.

Velozzi the State of California — a place very successful for start of the hi-tech project is based in Los Angeles. We will remind, to California on emissions of exhaust gases the most rigid ecological standards are entered into environment.

In the young company there are scientists, engineers and designers who are engaged in working out of transport ecological technologies. The company purpose is the batch production and bulk selling of ecologically safe, powerful, beautiful and functional hybrid cars.

Today Velozzi shows the working out — crossover Solo. Unlike other hybrids is an easy and spacious car. The majority of modern electric and hybrid cars are under construction on the same a principle. As old kind cars with traditional petrol motors, using, by and large, the same design. The general director of new company Roberto Velozzi considers, that manufacture of new effective vehicles with use of out-of-date methods of building is impossible.

For effective, ecologically pure car it is necessary to use easy materials to improve the fuel expense, to reduce environmental contamination and to increase safety of passengers.
Velozzi now has developed modular technology with use of modern easy materials that allows engineers to think freely not adhering to technical restrictions traditional for automobile branch. Under statements of experts of the company the new technology allows to simplify assemblage of the car and to reduce industrial expenses. As a result, the end production will cost more cheaply, and in the car it will be possible to use more expensive and powerful engines.

Besides, cars Velozzi in the world will use for the first time high-strength hydrocarbon. At the heart of a new material carbon with cylindrical structure, so-called CNTs is used.

Velozzi mechanical durability of a material which on 40% is more effective, than used is necessary today, first of all. Besides hydrocarbon very easy also gives in to secondary processing.
Crossover Solo, will use still set of hi-tech decisions, including, come and from the Formula-1. But the principle of work of hybrid installation becomes the main feature of the car. For gymnastics of super condensers and lithium-ionic of batteries onboard Solo fuel microturbines will be used some.

That is cars Velozzi are the normal electromobiles which electromotors receive a food at the expense of a combination lithium-ionic of the battery and super condensers which, in turn, are charged from several onboard fuel microturbines or the usual city electric system.
Microturbines Velozzi can use fuel any kind, including, gasoline, diesel fuel, ethanol, biodiesel fuel and natural gas. If it is necessary, the car can work as a diesel engine-generator and to feed with the electric power the whole house with all house electrodevices.

Tesla Roadster

By calculations, the car will be constructed only in 2011.

Solo it will be capable to reach speed in 210 km/hour, to be dispersed to hundred for fantastic for an off-road car of 6 seconds, and to spend 2,4 litres of fuel for 100 kilometres. Utopian for today figures, nevertheless, can define success of the new company in the future.

Except crossover Solo in plans at Velozzi building of the hybrid super car. For realisation of plans Velozzi already has now involved in working out of 17 future suppliers of components of the serial car.