Sunday, August 30, 2009

GM has not made of the decision on Opel

Angela Merkel

The German government has expressed a regret concerning that the board of directors of American concern General Motors at the meeting which has taken place on Friday evening and has not made of the decision concerning sale of European branch Adam Opel GmbH, reports France Press referring to the message of representatives of the government.

"I regret, that decision-making process has not come to the end yesterday, but I hope, that it soon happens, as it is necessary for... To economic situation Opel", — has declared German chancellor Angela Merkel in interview to German television channel ZDF which will go on the air on Sunday.

"Now I hope, that we will move ahead next week", — has noted Merkel, having added, that the government of Germany has already given Opel, experiencing considerable financial difficulties, a bridge-credit for the sum of 1,5 billion euro. "This money should begin now already gradually to leave in new structures, (which will be formed after transaction end)", — Merkel has told.

Thus, as informed on Saturday the local mass-media, some German politicians have expressed more rigidly concerning actions of management GM.

In particular, the discontent was expressed by the prime minister of the earth Northern Rhine-Westphalia Juergen Ruettgers, German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes.

"This tightening (decision-making on Opel) — an intolerable burden", — he has commented on results of meeting of board of directors of the American motorcar giant. The newspaper besides, writes, the prime minister of earth Giessen Roland Koch has declared, that "is inexpressibly angered" concerning that the decision is again postponed.

The board of directors of American autoconcern General Motors should choose, to whom to sell the branch: to a consortium of the Canadian manufacturer of autoaccessories Magna and the Russian Savings Bank or Belgian investment company RHJ International, however and it was not defined with the decision.

As experts underline, board of directors GM gives only "recommendation" about the buyer. The definitive decision accepts appointed after the beginning of procedure of bankruptcy Opel "tutorial structure" in which enter on two representatives from GM and the federal government, and also the president of the Chamber of commerce of the USA into Germany.

For both competitors on purchase Opel by one of the major conditions of the transaction the financial help of the German government is. RHJI declared earlier that agree the sum hardly less 3 billion euro whereas it was required to motor-car manufacturer Magna 4,5 billion euro.

On Monday representatives federal and the ground governments of Germany have met for detailed consideration of offers from two applicants. The Ministry of Economics of Germany, in particular, has underlined again, that the definitive decision under the transaction will be accepted not in Germany, and in the USA where there is a headquarters of owner Opel, American motorcar giant General Motors.

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