Saturday, August 29, 2009

Concern Ford makes profit of the American policemen

Crown Victoria

Company Ford plans to stop release of sedans Ford Crown Victoria which are now made exclusively under the order of the American police since 2012.

As writes, prospects of transition of police departments of the USA on more modern models were discussed at a meeting between representatives of police and concern Ford in June, however the definitive decision on further destiny Crown Victoria is not made yet.

According to police, concern Ford has offered them as replacement new sedan Ford Taurus. However operating police garages are not ready to declare unequivocally yet — they are ready to updating of own motor-vehicle pool or not. As the head of division of motor transport of Department of police of Los Angeles (LAPD) has declared, at Ford Crown Victoria there are some important advantages, before newer models.

First, these cars have a frame design that gives to cars reliability and durability it it is important for "maneuvers" during detention of criminals.
Secondly, for 17 years of possession similar cars, the majority of police garages have so got used to service of this model, that occurrence of new cars will demand not only conversion training of all personnel, but also will cause purchase of new, more expensive equipment for repair.
At last, at Crown Victoria a back drive and spacious salon which allows to place all necessary police equipment with ease.

"We agree that at Ford Taurus more powerful and economic engine, but the new car is closer also the check point lever is located not on a steering column as at Crown Victoria, that will complicate equipment placing in salon", — the head of division LAPD has declared.

Now, the police of the USA annually gets about 75,000 new cars from which 85% are necessary on Ford Crown Victoria. As experts consider, it not such big figure for "Ford", however, in their opinion, manufacture of the given model is still profitable. "They do not need to be spent for marketing, and investments into manufacture of this model have paid off many years back", — an analyst of the company 2953 Analytics LLP.

According to representatives Ford, the present contract on release Crown Victoria of this model is valid till 2012, and the decision on destiny of this model will be accepted only after additional consultations of police.

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