Monday, September 7, 2009

In Libya have developed the most safe in the world the car

Saroukh el-Jamahiriya

«Saroukh el-Jamahiriya» — so the new car for the first time shown at conference of the Organization of the African unity and developed at direct participation of the head of the Libyan state is called.

Saroukh el-Jamahiriya really reminds a rocket, contains 5 passengers and it is completed with 230-strong engine V6. The car unusually looks, but is completely not ridiculous or silly. Very nice copy. More truly, two copies — white and black. Will be more when in Tripoli will construct factory on release of "rockets".

It is said that Muammar Kaddafi has spent many hours per meditations about what should be the most safe on the earth the car. Has as a result appeared Saroukh el-Jamahiriya. Also say and that Libyans have appeared ahead of a planet of everything, as have achieved the maximum result (by their own words), having avoided use of pillows of safety, electronic systems of protection and other "gadgets", which all other motor-car manufacturers use to achieve the maximum results in crash-tests.

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