If intention is realised, Canon becomes the first company having own domain zone, similar: .com, .org, .net, etc.
.Canon — it's easy!
Representatives of the Japanese corporation consider, that purchase of the top domain will allow to improve and make more open system for communications with consumers.Realisation of idea of purchase of the top domain became real thanks to the decision of corporation ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) which co-ordinates the status of domain names on the Internet. The demands acceptance on registration of names in new system of domains of top level at the best will begin since 2011. But in a full cycle the system will be started only in second half of 2011.
Independent experts reflect:
"Domain cost is equaled several hundreds thousand dollars. Only the payment for demand consideration is equal $185,000US. Except this payment the applicant should make more many bureaucratic payments. The least payment can have the size from $1,000-5,000US. Besides, to pay for services: webhosting, designers, programmers, therefore the rationality of the given acquisition is rather doubtful..."